About Red Eye European mounts taxidermist

Veteran Owned Taxidermist Near Evansville, IN

John Elpers

Licensed European Mount Taxidermist

From the age of 5, my parents were not able to keep me out of the woods. I collected frogs, lizards, bugs, and walked miles to lakes just to fish. As I got older, and deer were introduced, I got addicted to the great pursuit. There is nothing better than hunting on a cold winter's day, coming home and eating a bowl of deer chili, then heading back out to chase the always elusive whitetail. During the spring and summer months, I spend most of my weekends fishing, chasing large crappie, and bass; while kicking back a cold beer after a long day's work/fun. 

Some of my family has asked, "Why European Taxidermy?" I answered: "Taxidermy just fits with me. It is individual work that I get to do with my hands. I am a hands-on and analytical person. I enjoy how much focus it takes to get the mount done right the first time. I enjoy the processes, and the meticulousness of making the mounts just right, perfect, and the result is amazing!" Currently, I only enjoy the art of European mounting animals. I am not sure if I will ever try my hand at shoulder or full body mounting animals, but you never know. One of the most fascinating parts of my work is providing a service for like-minded people and building memories that will last a lifetime. We are a great group of people that share the need for our heritage and the thrill of the "great pursuit" is a huge part of that.

I want to say thanks to everyone that have influenced me or helped me through this point in my life. You will always be in my thoughts and prayers!


John Elpers

Taxidermy License Number: 12064

About Me:

Born: Warrick County, IN

Preferred Hunting Style: Compound Bow, Treestand/Climber in White Oaks, and Sawtooth Oaks, right next to thickets that funnel deer towards food plots and bedding areas. 

Favorite Hunting Brands:

Largest Whitetail Buck:  168 3/8 inches (12 yards broadside)

Largest Bass: 10lbs 1oz (Warrick County, IN)

Call or Text Now 812-646-1313

Veteran Owned and Operated